Excerpts from the Quebec Boundary Extension Act, 1912
(from British North America Acts and Selected Statutes, 1867-1962,
(ed) M. Ollivier (Parliamentary Counsel), Queen's Printer, Cat no. YX1-2/1962, pp.
The Quebec Boundaries Extension Act, 1912
The Quebec Boundaries Extension Act, 1912, Amendment Act (1946)
The Quebec Boundaries Extension Act, 1912
2 George V, Chapter 45
An Act to extend the Boundaries of the Province of Quebec[fn - See the
B.N.A. Act, 1871, also c. 3 of the Statutes of 1898, and also c. 6 of the
Statutes of Quebec, 1898. See also 1946, c. 29, infra.]
[Assented to 1st April, 1912]
Whereas on the thirteenth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and eight,
the House of Commons resolved that the limits of the province of Quebec
should be increased by the extension of the boundaries of the province
northwards so as to include the territory hereinafter described, as in the
said resolution more particularly set out, upon such terms and conditions
as may be agreed to by the Legislature of Quebec and by the Parliament of
Canada: Therefore, subject to the consent of the said Legislature, His
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and the House of
Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
(Short title)
1. This Act may be cited as The Quebec Boundaries Extension Act, 1912.
(Boundaries extended)
2. The limits of the province of Quebec are hereby increased so that the
boundaries thereof shall include, in addition to the present territory of
the said province, the territory bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at the point at the mouth of the East Main river where it
empties into James Bay, the said point being the western termination of the
northern boundary of the province of Quebec as established by chapter 3 of
the Statutes of 1898, entitled An Act respecting the north-western,
northern and north-eastern boundaries of the province of Quebec; thence
northerly and easterly along the shores of Hudson bay and Hudson strait;
thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the shore of Ungava bay and
the shore of the said strait; thence easterly along the shore of the said
strait to the boundary of the territory over which the island of
Newfoundland has lawful jurisdiction; thence south-easterly along the
western boundary of the said last mentioned territory to the middle of the
Bay du Rigolet or Hamilton Inlet; thence westerly along the northern
boundary of the province of Quebec as established by the said Act to the
place of commencement; and all the land embraced by the said description
shall, from and after the commencement of this Act, be added to the
province of Quebec, and shall, from and after the said commencement, form
and be part of the said province of Quebec upon the following terms and
conditions and subject to the following provisions:
(Population as affecting representation)
(a) That the population of the territory hereby added to the province of
Quebec shall be excluded in ascertaining the population of the said
province for the purposes of any readjustment of representation of the
other provinces consequent upon any census;
(Population under decennial census)
(b) That in the general census of the population of Canada which is
required to be taken in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one
and in every tenth year thereafter the population of the territory hereby
added to the province of Quebec shall be distinguished from that of the
said province as heretofore constituted, and the representation of the said
territory in the House of Commons shall be determined according to the
rules enacted by section 51 of "The British North America Act, 1867,"
regulating the representation of the provinces other than Quebec;](fn -
Paragraphs (a) and (b) of s. 2 have been repealed by s. 1 of c. 29 of the
Statutes of 1946 which follows immediately.)
(Indian rights of new territory)
(c) That the province of Quebec will recognize the rights of the Indian
inhabitants in the territory above described to the same extent, and will
obtain surrenders of such rights in the same manner, as the Government of
Canada has heretofore recognized such rights and has obtained surrender
thereof, and the said province shall bear and satisfy all charges and
expenditures in connection with or arising out of such surrenders;
(d) That no such surrender shall be made or obtained except with the
approval of the Governor in Council;
(e) That the trusteeship of the Indians in the said territory, and the
management of any lands now or hereafter reserved for their use, shall
remain in the Government of Canada subject to the control of Parliament.
(Hudson's Bay Co. rights preserved)
3. Nothing in this Act shall in any way prejudice or affect the rights or
properties of the Hudson's Bay Company as contained in the conditions under
which that company surrendered Ruperts Land to the Crown.
(Commencement of Act. Consent of Quebec Legislature)
4. This Act shall come into force on a day to be fixed by proclamation of
the Governor in Council published in The Canada Gazette), but such
proclamation shall not be made until after the Legislature of Quebec shall
have consented to the increase of the limits of the province herein
provided for, and agreed to the terms, conditions and provisions aforesaid.
The Quebec Boundaries Extension Act, 1912, Amendment Act
10 George VI, Chapter 29
An Act to amend The Quebec Boundaries Extension Act, 1912
[Assented to 26 July, 1946]
His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of
Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
(Paragraphs repealed)
1. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of section two of The Quebec Boundaries
Extension Act, 1912, chapter forty-five of the Statutes of 1912, are
(Coming into force)
2. This Act shall come into force on a day to be fixed by proclamation of
the Governor in Council published in The Canada Gazette, but such
proclamation shall not be made until the Legislature of Quebec agrees to
the said repeal of paragraphs (a) and (b) of section two of the said Act.
[end of leg]
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