PITTSBURGH, PA 15213-3891
NOTE: Please read this Copyright notice before proceeding.
The following list references the availability of postscript (.ps)
files for our 1990 technical report series. Please note, not all
reports are included....this owing to various copyright constraints
(see COPYRIGHT.mss). If you have questions or concerns related to
these files, please direct your inquiries to
- CMU-CS-90-100
- The Cascade-Correlation Learning Architecture
Scott E. Fahlman, Christian Lebiere
February 1990
13 pages
- CMU-CS-90-101
- User Interface Software Structures
Thomas G. Lane
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1990
[Also appears as Software Engineering Technical Report SEI-90-TR-13.
- CMU-CS-90-102
- Extensible Records Without Subsumption
Robert W. Harper, Benjamin C. Pierce
February 1990
- CMU-CS-90-103
- Fast Animation and Control of Nonrigid Structures
Andrew Witkin, William Welch
January 1990
- CMU-CS-90-104
- Deductive Assistance for Elucidation of Chemical Reaction Pathways
Raul E. Valdes-Perez
January 1990
- CMU-CS-90-105
- Foundations of A Computational Theory of Catecholamine Effects
Harry Printz, David Servan-Schreiber
May 1990
- CMU-CS-90-106
- Determining Reflectance Parameters Using Range and Brightness Images
Katsushi Ikeuchi and Kosuke Sato
February 1990
- CMU-CS-90-107
- Multiprocessing in a Network of Workstations
David A. Nichols
Ph.D. Thesis
February 1990
- CMU-CS-90-108
- Large Scale Parallelization of Alpha-Beta Search: An Algorithmic
and Architectural Study with Computer Chess
Feng-hsiung Hsu
Ph.D. Thesis
February 1990
- CMU-CS-90-109
- Self-improving Reactive Agents: Case Studies of Reinforcement Learning
Long-Ji Lin
August 1990
- CMU-CS-90-110
- Distributed Hartstone Real-Time Benchmark Suite
Clifford W. Mercer, Yutaka Ishikawa, Hideyuki Tokuda
March 1990
- CMU-CS-90-111
- Object-Oriented Real-Time Language Design: Constructs for Timing Constraints
Yutaka Ishikawa, Hideyuki Tokuda, Clifford W. Mercer
March 1990
- CMU-CS-90-112
- Rules and Maps II: Recent Progress in Connectionist Symbol Processing
David S. Touretzky, Deirdre W. Wheeler, Gillette Elvgren III
March 1990
- CMU-CS-90-113
- A Taste of Category Theory for Computer Scientists
Benjamin C. Pierce
March 1990 - Revised version of CMU-CS-88-203
- CMU-CS-90-114
- Scoping, Inheritance, and Frames
Mark W. Perlin
February 1990
- CMU-CS-90-115
- Data-Flow Analysis and Type Recovery in Scheme
Olin Shivers
March 1990
- CMU-CS-90-116
- Description of Acoustic Variations by Hidden Markov Models with
Tree Structure
Satoru Hayamizu, Kai-Fu Lee, Hsiao-Wuen Hon
March 1990
- CMU-CS-90-117
- The Garnet Toolkit Reference Manuals: Support for Highly-Interactive
Graphical User Interfaces in Lisp
Brad A. Myers, Dario Giuse, Roger B. Dannenberg, Brad Vander Zanden,
David Kosbie, Philippe Marchal, Ed Pervin, Andrew Mickish, John
A. Kolojejchick
March 1990
[Revised version of CMU-CS-89-196]
- CMU-CS-90-118
- The Design of Spoken Language Interfaces
Alexander I. Rudnicky
March 1990
- CMU-CS-90-119
- Concurrent Garbage Collection for C++
David L. Detlefs
May 1990
- CMU-CS-90-120
- A Stereo Matching Algorithm with an Adaptive Window:
Theory and Experiment
Takeo Kanade, Masatoshi Okutomi
April 1990
- CMU-CS-90-121
- Programming Language Support for Multicast Communication in
Distributed Systems
Eric C. Cooper
May 1990
- CMU-CS-90-122
- A Methodology for Hardware Verification Based on Logic Simulation
Randal E. Bryant
March 1990
- CMU-CS-90-123
- The NAVLAB System for Mobile Robot Navigation
Anthony Stentz
Ph.D. Thesis
March 1990
- CMU-CS-90-124
- Minimum Cost Aspect Classification: A Module of a Vision Algorithm Compiler
Ki Sang Hong, Katsushi Ikeuchi, Keith D. Gremban
April 1990
- CMU-CS-90-125
- Scheduling Support for Concurrency and Parallelism in the Mach
Operating System
David L. Black
April 1990
- CMU-CS-90-126
- Efficient User-Level File Cache Management on the Sun Vnode Interface
David C. Steere, James J. Kistler, Mahadev Satyanarayanan
April 1990
- CMU-CS-90-127
- Collection-Oriented Languages
Jay M. Sipelstein, Guy E. Blelloch
September 1990
- CMU-CS-90-128
- Shape and Motion Without Depth
Carlo Tomasi, Takeo Kanade
May 1990
- CMU-CS-90-129
- Two Levels of Filesystem Hierarchy on One Disk
Vince Cate
May 1990
- CMU-CS-90-130
- The Impact of Domain Dynamics on Intelligent Robot Design
Douglas A. Reece, Steven Shafer
May 1990
- CMU-CS-90-131
- Formal Verification of Digital Circuits Using Symbolic Ternary
System Models
Randal E. Bryant, Carl-Johan Seger
May 1990
- CMU-CS-90-132
- Progress in Call-Graph Caching
Mark W. Perlin
May 1990
- CMU-CS-90-133
- A Practical Approach to Replication of Abstract Data Objects
Joshua J. Bloch
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1990
- CMU-CS-90-134
- Extensions and Applications of Higher-Order Unification
Conal M. Elliott
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1990
- CMU-CS-90-135
- The Deliberative Integration of Planning, Execution, and Learning
Daniel R. Kuokka
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1990
- CMU-CS-90-136
- A Specifier's Introduction to Formal Methods
Jeannete M. Wing
May 1990
- CMU-CS-90-137
- On the Type Structure of Standard ML
Robert Harper, John C. Mitchell
May 1990
- CMU-CS-90-138
- Rules and Maps III: Further Progress in Connectionist Phonology
David S. Touretzky, Deirdre W. Wheeler, Gillette Elvgren III
June 1990
- CMU-CS-90-139
- Inheritance Theory and Networks with Roles
Richmond H. Thomason, David S. Touretzky
June 1990
- CMU-CS-90-140
- Supervised Color Constancy Using a Color Chart
Carol L. Novak, Steven A. Shafer
June 1990
- CMU-CS-90-141
- An Introduction to Circuit Complexity and A Guide to Harstad's Proof
Allan Heydon
June 1990
- CMU-CS-90-142
- Informatics for a New Century: Computing Education for the 1990s and Beyond
Mary Shaw
July 1990
[Also appears as SEI Report CMU/SEI-90-TR-15, ESD-TR-90-142]
- CMU-CS-90-143
- Automatic Generation of Systolic Programs from Nested Loops
Hudson B. Ribas
Ph.D. Thesis (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
June 1990
- CMU-CS-90-144
- Systems of Polymorphic Type Assignment in LF
Robert Harper
June 1990
- CMU-CS-90-145
- A Computational Study of Job-Shop Scheduling
David Applegate, William Cook
November 1990
- CMU-CS-90-146
- VCODE Reference Manual (Version 1.1)
Guy E. Blelloch, Siddhartha Chatterjee, Fritz Knabe, Jay Sipelstein,
Marco Zagha
July 1990
- CMU-CS-90-147
- On Functors Expressible in the Polymorphic Typed Lambda Calculus
John C. Reynolds, Gordon D. Plotkin
July 1990
[An earlier vision appeared as CMU-CS-88-125]
- CMU-CS-90-148
- A Parallel Algorithm for Constructing Binary Decision Diagrams
Shinji Kimura, Edmund M. Clarke
July 1990
- CMU-CS-90-149
- The Architecture of PRL: A Mathematical Medium
Joseph Bates
July 1990
- CMU-CS-90-150
- A Simulator for Concurrent Objects
Jeannette M. Wing, Chun Gong
July 1990
26 pages
- CMU-CS-90-151
- A Library of Concurrent Objects and Their Proofs of Correctness
Jeannette M. Wing, Chun Gong
July 1990
30 pages
- CMU-CS-90-152
- Scheduling and Resource Management Techniques for Multiprocessors
David L. Black
Ph.D. Thesis
July 1990
- CMU-CS-90-153
- Protocol Implementation on the Nectar Communication Processor
Eric C. Cooper, Peter A. Steenkiste, Robert D. Sansom, Brian D. Zill
September 1990
- CMU-CS-90-154
- The Garnet Compendium: Collected Papers, 1989-1990
Brad A. Myers, ed.
August 1990
- CMU-CS-90-155
- Scheduling Dependent Real-Time Activities
Raymond Keith Clark
Ph.D. Thesis
August 1990
- CMU-CS-90-156
- Visual Tracking with Deformation Models
James M. Rehg, Andrew P. Witkin
August 1990
- CMU-CS-90-157
- A Record Calculus Based on Symmetric Concatenation
Robert Harper, Benjamin Pierce
August 1990
- CMU-CS-90-158
- GLINDA: Natural Language Text Generation in the OZ
Interactive Fiction Project
Mark Kantrowitz
July 1990
22 pages
- CMU-CS-90-159
- Specifications as Search Keys for Software Libraries: A Case Study
Using Lambda Prolog
Eugene J. Rollins, Jeannette M. Wing
September 1990
- CMU-CS-90-160
- Finitely Stratified Polymorphism
Daniel Leivant
August 1990
- CMU-CS-90-161
- Stochastic Plans for Robotic Manipulation
Kenneth Yigael Goldberg
Ph.D. Thesis
August 1990
- CMU-CS-90-162
- Demonstrational Interfaces: A Step Beyond Direct Manipulation
Brad A. Myers
August 1990
- CMU-CS-90-163
- The Computation of Grobner Bases on a Shared Memory Multiprocessor
Jean-Philippe Vidal
August 1990
- CMU-CS-90-164
- Snap Together Mathematics
Michael Gleicher, Andrew Witkin
August 1990
- CMU-CS-90-165
- Prospects for an Engineering Discipline of Software
Mary Shaw
September 1990
- CMU-CS-90-166
- Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method
1. Planar Motion
Carlo Tomasi, Takeo Kanade
September 1990
- CMU-CS-90-167
- From Physiology to Behavior: Computational Models of Catecholamine
Modulation of Information Processing
David Servan-Schreiber
Ph.D. Thesis
September 1990
- CMU-CS-90-168
- Maximization of Mutual Information in a Context Sensitive Neural Network
Gordon J. Goetsch
Ph.D. Thesis
September 1990
- CMU-CS-90-169
- Semantic Characterizations of Number Theories
Daniel Leivant
August 1990
- CMU-CS-90-170
- Towards a Theory of Parallel Algorithms on Concrete Data Structures
Stephen Brookes, Shai Geva
September 1990
- CMU-CS-90-171
- Unpublished
- CMU-CS-90-172
- A Linear-Programming Reformulation of Chemical Stoichiometry and Catalysis
Raul Valdes-Perez
September 1990
- CMU-CS-90-173
- A Statistical Study of Selective Min-Max Search in Computer Chess
Thomas S. Anantharaman
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1990
- CMU-CS-90-174
- Hybridizing Nonmonotonic Inheritance with Theorem Proving
Richmond H. Thomason, John M. Aronis
October 1990
- CMU-CS-90-175
- Studying Software Architecture through Design Spaces and Rules
Thomas G. Lane
October 1990
[Also appears CMU/SEI-90-TR-18]
- CMU-CS-90-176
- A Design Space and Design Rules for User Interface Software Architecture
Thomas G. Lane
October 1990
[Also appears as CMU/SEI-90-TR-22]
- CMU-CS-90-177
- Concurrent, Atomic Garbage Collection
David L. Detlefs
Ph.D. Thesis
October 1990
- CMU-CS-90-178
- A Locally Adaptive Window for Signal Matching
Masatoshi Okutomi, Takeo Kanade
October 1990
- CMU-CS-90-179
- Soar User's Manual: Version 5.2
John Laird, Clare Bates Congdon, Erik Altmann, Kathy Swedlow
October 1990
[Also appears Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department,
The University of Michigan as Technical Report CSE-TR-72-90.]
- CMU-CS-90-180
- BEE: A Basis for Distributed Event Environments (Reference Manual
Bernd Bruegge
November 1990
- CMU-CS-90-181
- The CLP (R) Language and System
Joxan Jaffar, Spiro Michaylov, Peter J. Stuckey, Roland H.C. Yap
October 1990
- CMU-CS-90-182
- Parallel Symbolic Computation Algorithms
Edmund M. Clarke, David E. Long, Spiro Michaylov, Stephen A. Schwab,
Jean-Philippe Vidal, Shinji Kimura
October 1990
- CMU-CS-90-183
- Learning AC^0 Functions Sampled Under Mutually Independent
Merrick Furst, Jeffrey Jackson, Sean Smith
October 1990
- CMU-CS-90-184
- Typing First-Class Continuations in ML
Bruce F. Duba, Robert Harper, David MacQueen
October 1990
- CMU-CS-90-185
- A Structural Theory of Explanation-Based Learning
Oren Etzioni
Ph.D. Thesis
December 1990
- CMU-CS-90-186
- Adding Threads to Standard ML
Eric C. Cooper, J. Gregory Morrisett
December 1990
- CMU-CS-90-187
- No Assembly Required: Compiling Standard ML to C
David Tarditi, Anurag Acharya, Peter Lee
November 1990
- CMU-CS-90-188
- Persistent Long-term Transactions for Software Development
Charles W. Krueger
November 1990
- CMU-CS-90-189
- A Multiple-Baseline Stereo
Masatoshi Okutomi, Takeo Kanade
November 1990
- CMU-CS-90-190
- Prefix Sums and Their Applications
Guy E. Blelloch
November 1990
- CMU-CS-90-191
- Machine Discovery of Chemical Reaction Pathways
Raul E. Valdes-Perez
Ph.D. Thesis
December 1990
- CMU-CS-90-192
- Fixed Point under the Fourier Transform of Boolean Functions
Sean W. Smith, Carl Sturtivant
November 1990
- CMU-CS-90-193
- Performance Evaluation of Scene Registration and Stereo Matching
for Cartographic Feature Extraction
Yuan C. Hsieh, David M. McKeown, Jr., Frederic P. Perlant
November 1990
- CMU-CS-90-194
- Fusion of Monocular Cues to Detect Man-Made Structures in Aerial Imagery
Jefferey A. Shufelt, David M. McKeown, Jr.
September 1990
- CMU-CS-90-195
- Towards Real-Time GOMS
Bonnie E. John, Alonso H. Vera, Allen Newell
December 1990
- CMU-CS-90-196
- Dynamic Recurrent Neural Networks
Barak A. Pearlmutter
December 1990
[Supersedes CMU-CS-88-191]
- CMU-CS-90-197
- Supporting Systolic and Memory Communication in iWarp
Shekhar Borkar, Robert Cohn, George Cox, Thomas Gross, H.T. Kung,
Monica Lam, Margie Levine, Brian Moore, Wire Moore, Craig Peterson,
Jim Susman, Jim Sutton, John Urbanski, Jon Webb
September 1990
This index was automatically generated on Sun Jan 14 23:30:51 EST