The Recurrent Cascade-Correlation Architecture
Scott E. Fahlman
May 1991
8 pages

CMU-CS-91-101 (Unavailable via ftp)
Automatic Mapping of Large Signal Processing Systems to a Parallel Machine
Harry Printz
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1991
257 pages

Look Ahead Techniques for Micro-Opportunistic Job Schop Scheduling
Norman Sadeh
Ph.D. Thesis
March 1991
190 pages

CMU-CS-91-103 (Unavailable via ftp)
Finding Closed-Form Solutions of Difference Equations by Symbolic Methods
Marko Petkovsek
Ph.D. Thesis
September 1990
119 pages

CMU-CS-91-104 (Unavailable via ftp)
Spoken Language Translation in a Travel Information Domain: Combining Voice and Graphic Interaction
Veronique Normand
January 1991
36 pages

Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method
2. Point Features in 3D Motion
Carlo Tomasi, Takeo Kanade
January 1991
40 pages

CMU-CS-91-106 (Unavailable via ftp)
Programming With Intersection Types, Union Types, and Polymorphism
Benjamin C. Pierce
February 1991
37 pages

CMU-CS-91-107 (Unavailable via ftp)
Implementation of Commit Timestamps in Avalon
Maurice P. Herlihy, Su-Yuen Ling, Jeannette M. Wing
January 1991
21 pages

CMU-CS-91-108 (Unavailable via ftp)
CMU Common Lisp User's Manual
Robert A. MacLachlan, Editor
February 1991
[Revised version of Technical Report CMU-CS-87-156]
168 pages

CMU-CS-91-109 (Unavailable via ftp)
Message Routing on Irregular 2D-Meshes and Tori
Thomas M. Stricker
January 1991
20 pages

CMU-CS-91-110 (Unavailable via ftp)
A Decision Procedure for a Class of Set Constraints
Nevin Heintze, Joxan Jaffar
February 1991
42 pages

CMU-CS-91-111 (figures are "iffy" for some printers)
A Larch Specification of the Miro Editor
Amy Moormann Zaremski
February 1991
57 pages

CMU-CS-91-112 (figures are "iffy" for some printers)
A Formal Specification of a Visual Language Editor
Jeannette M. Wing, Amy Moormann Zaremski
February 1991
17 pages

CMU-CS-91-113 (figures are "iffy" for some printers)
Unintrusive Ways to Integrate Formal Specifications in Practice
Jeannette M. Wing, Amy Moormann Zaremski
February 1991
29 pages

CMU-CS-91-114 (Unavailable via ftp)
Formalizing Design Spaces: Implicit Invocation Mechanisms
David Garlan, David Notkin
March 1991
13 pages

CMU-CS-91-115 (Unavailable via ftp)
Continuations: Unifying Thread Management and Communication in Operating Systems
Richard P. Draves, Brian N. Bershad, Richard F. Rashid, Randall W. Dean
March 1991
21 pages

CMU-CS-91-116 (Unavailable via ftp)
Mutual Exclusion for Uniprocessors
Brian N. Bershad
April 1991
17 pages

Natural Language Comprehension in Soar: Spring 1991
Jill Fain Lehman, Richard L. Lewis, Allen Newell
March 1991
42 pages

Size and Access Inference for Data-Parallel Programs
Siddhartha Chatterjee, Guy E. Blelloch, Allan L. Fisher
March 1991
26 pages

CMU-CS-91-119 (Unavailable via ftp)
The Semantics of Scheme Control-Flow Analysis
Olin Shivers
April 1991
9 pages

CMU-CS-91-120 (Unavailable via ftp)
Automatically Generating Abstractions for Problem Solving
Craig Alan Knoblock
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1991
196 pages

CMU-CS-91-121 (Unavailable via ftp)
Automatic Data Mapping for Distributed-Memory Parallel Computers
Skef Wholey
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1991
119 pages

A Computational Model of Drivinh for Autonomous Vehicles
Douglas A. Reece, Steven Shafer
April 1991
42 pages

CMU-CS-91-123 (text)
CMU-CS-91-123A (title page)
Differential Manipulation
Michael Gleicher, Andrew Witkin
March 1991
7 pages

Shared-Distribution Hidden Markov Models for Speech Recognition
Mei-Yuh Hwang, Xuedong Huang
April 1991
22 pages

Creating and Manipulation Constrained Models
Michael Gleicher, Andrew Witkin
January 1991
15 pages

CMU-CS-91-126 (Unavailable via ftp)
Soft Competitive Adaptation: Neural Network Learning Algorithms based on Fitting Statistical Mixtures
Steven J. Nowlan
Ph.D. Thesis
April 1991
314 pages

CMU-CS-91-127 (Unavailable via ftp)
Gandalf System III: The Action Routine Language (ARL) Manual
David B. Miller, Barbara S. Lerner, Vincenzo Ambriola
July 1991
119 pages

CMU-CS-91-128 (Unavailable via ftp)
Arc Consistency for Factorable Relations
Mark W. Perlin
April 1991
12 pages

Adapt: Global Image Processing with the Split and Merge Model
Jon A. Webb
April 1991
38 pages

Learning with Limited Numerical Precision Using the Cascade-Correlation Architecture
Markus Hoehfeld, Scott E. Fahlman
May 1991
17 pages

CMU-CS-91-131 (Unavailable via ftp)
Specifying Objects of Concurrent Systems
Richard Allen Lerner
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1991
204 pages

Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method Part 2. Detection and Tracking of Point Features
Carlo Tomasi, Takeo Kanade
April 1991
32 pages

CMU-CS-91-133 (Unavailable via ftp)
Deep Structure for Virtual Reality
Joseph Bates
May 1991
8 pages

CMU-CS-91-134 (Unavailable via ftp)
Cost-Sensitive Robot Learning
Ming Tan
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1991
118 pages

CMU-CS-91-135 (Unavailable via ftp)
Interfaces that Learn: A Learning Apprentice for Calendar Management
Jean Jourdan, Lisa Dent, John McDermott, Tom Mitchell, David Zobowski
May 1991
25 pages

CMU-CS-91-136 (Unavailable via ftp)
Systems and Programming Issues in the Design and Use of a SIMD Linear Array for Image Processing
Peter Thomas Highnam
Ph.D. Thesis
April 1991
121 pages

CMU-CS-91-137 (Unavailable via ftp)
Extended Parallelism in the Gr@oum()bner Basis Algorithm
Stephen A. Schwab
May 1991
19 pages

CMU-CS-91-138 (Unavailable via ftp)
An Analysis of Space Shuttle Countdown Activities: Preliminaries to a Computational Model of the NASA Test Director
Bonnie E. John, Roger W. Remington, David M. Steier
May 1991
45 pages

CMU-CS-91-139 (Unavailable via ftp)
Multiagent planning in Prodigy
M. Alicia Perez
May 1991
33 pages

Dyad: A system for Using Physically Secure Coprocessors
J. Doug Tygar, Bennet Yee
May 1991
36 pages

CMU-CS-91-141 (Unavailable via ftp)
The Assign Parallel Program Generator
David R. O'Hallaron
May 1991
29 pages

CMU-CS-91-142 (Unavailable via ftp)
Transforming Conjunctive Match into RETE: A Call-Graph Caching Approach
Mark W. Perlin
May 1991
29 pages

Portable Utilities for Common Lisp: User Guide & Implementation Notes
Mark Kantrowitz
May 1991
74 pages

Computer Analysis of Sprouts
David Applegate. Guy Jacobson, Daniel Sleator
May 1991
19 pages

CMU-CS-91-145 (Unavailable via ftp)
Control-Flow Analysis of Higher-Order Languages or Taming Lambda
Olin Shivers
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1991
186 pages

CMU-CS-91-146 (Unavailable via ftp)
ET-Soar: Toward an ITS for Theory-Based Representations
Blake Ward
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1991
242 pages

Hap: A Reactive, Adaptive Architecture for Agents
A. Bryan Loyall, Joseph Bates
June 1991
12 pages

CMU-CS-91-148 (Unavailable via ftp)
Exploiting Correlations Among Models with Application to Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition
Ronald Rosenfeld, Xuedong Huang, Merrick Furst
May 1991
13 pages

Analysis and Planning of Planar Manipulation Tasks
Randy C. Brost
Ph.D. Thesis
January 1991
317 pages

CMU-CS-91-150 (Unavailable via ftp)
Eliminating Combinatorics from Production Match
Milind Tambe
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1991
173 pages

Implementing Distributed Linda in Standard ML
Ellen H. Siegel, Eric C. Cooper
October 1991
16 pages

Siri: A Constrained-Object Language for Reactive Program Implementation
Bruce Horn
June 1991
29 pages

A Framework for Defining Logics
Robert Harper, Furio Honsell, Gordon Plotkin
June 1991
42 pages

Learning Recursive Distributed Representations for Holistic Computation
Lonnie Chrisman
July 1991
29 pages

Data Persistence in Programming Languages: A Survey
Stewart M. CLamen
May 1991
66 pages

Estimating Fractal Dimension from Range Images of Natural Terrain
Kenichi Arakawa, Eric Krotkov
July 1991
28 pages

Towards a Theory of Parallel Algorithms on Concrete Data Structures
Stephen Brookes, Shai Geva
July 1991
41 pages

CMU-CS-91-158 (Unavailable via ftp)
Meaning from Structure in Natural Language Processing
Alexander G. Hauptmann
Ph.D. Thesis
July 1991
169 pages

A Cartesian Closed Category of Parallel Algorithms Between
Scott Domains
Stephen Brookes, Shai Geva
July 1991
20 pages

Continuous Functions and Parallel Algorithms on Concrete Data Structures
Stephen Brookes, Shai Geva
July 1991
23 pages

CMU-CS-91-161 (Unavailable via ftp)
Bounded Quantification is Undecidable
Benjamin C. Pierce
July 1991
28 pages

CMU-CS-91-162 (Unavailable via ftp)
Symbolic Boolean Manipulation with Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams
Randal E. Bryant
July 1991
23 pages

CMU-CS-91-163 (Unavailable via ftp)
Task Oriented Vision
Katsushi Ikeuchi, Martial Hebert
July 1991
27 pages

Log-Based Directory Resolution in the Coda File System
Puneet Kumar, M. Satyanarayanan
December 1991
18 pages

CMU-CS-91-165 (Unavailable via ftp)
Communication Complexity for Parallel Divide-and-Conquer
I-Chen Wu, H.T. Kung
July 1991
17 pages

CMU-CS-91-166 (Unavailable via ftp)
Disconnected Operation in the Coda File System
James J. Kistler, Mahadev Satyanarayanan
July 1991
19 pages

CMU-CS-91-167 (Unavailable via ftp)
Towards an Assembly Plan from Observation: Task Recognition
with Polyhedral Objects
Katsushi Ikeuchi, Takashi Suehiro
August 1991
39 pages

CMU-CS-91-168 (Unavailable via ftp)
Towards an Assembly Plan from Observation: Fine Localization Based
on Face Contact Constraints
Takashi Suehiro, Katsushi Ikeuchi
August 1991
43 pages

CMU-CS-91-169 (Unavailable via ftp)
A Survey of Hardware Architectures Designed for Speech Recognition
Hsiao-Wuen Hon
August 1991
27 pages

Midway: Shared Memory Parallel Programming with Entry Consistency for Distributed Memory Multiprocessors
Brian N. Bershad, Matthew J. Zekauskas
September 1991
18 pages

CMU-CS-91-171 (Unavailable via ftp)
An Agenda for Research in Large-Scale Distributed Data Repositories
M. Satyanarayanan
July 1991
10 pages

CMU-CS-91-172 (Unavailable via ftp)
Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method
Carlo Tomasi
Ph.D. Thesis
September 1991
146 pages

CMU-CS-91-173 (Unavailable via ftp)
Persistence + Undoability = Transactions
Scott M. Nettles, Jeannette M. Wing
August 1991
27 pages

CMU-CS-91-174 (Unavailable via ftp)
Models for Undergraduate Project Courses in Software Engineering
Mary Shaw, James E. Tomayko
September 1991
74 pages

Manipulating Surfaces Differentially
William Welch, Michael Gleicher, Andrew Witkin
September 1991
12 pages

CMU-CS-91-176 (Unavailable via ftp)
Automating the Construction of Efficient Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Mark W. Perlin
Ph.D. Thesis
September 1991
245 pages

CMU-CS-91-177 (Unavailable via ftp)
The Influence of Scale on Distributed File System Design
Mahadev Satyanarayanan
August 1991
14 pages

CMU-CS-91-178 (Unavailable via ftp)
The Fox Project: Advanced Development of Systems Software
Eric Cooper, Robert Harper, Peter Lee
August 1991
28 pages

CMU-CS-91-179 (Unavailable via ftp)
A Specification of Manufacturing Processes for Planning
Yolanda Gil
August 1991
40 pages

CMU-CS-91-180 (Unavailable via ftp)
Uni-Rete: Specializing the Rete Match Algorithm for the Unique-attribute Representation
Milind Tambe, Dirk Kalp, Paul Rosenbloom
September 1991
30 pages

CMU-CS-91-181 (Unavailable via ftp)
Interactive Sketch Interpretation Using Arc-labeling and Geometric Constraint Satisfaction
David Pugh
September 1991
18 pages


CMU-CS-91-183 (Unavailable via ftp)
Practical Considerations for Lock-Free Concurrent Objects
Brian N. Bershad
September 1991
16 pages

CMU-CS-91-184 (Unavailable via ftp)
Points, Spheres, and Separators: A Unified Geometric Approach to Graph Partitioning
Shang-Hua Teng
Ph.D. Thesis
August 1991
96 pages

CMU-CS-91-185 (Unavailable via ftp)
Connectionist Neuropsychology: The Breakdown and Recovery of Behavior in Lesioned Attractor Networks
David C. Plaut
Ph.D. Thesis
September 1991
325 pages

CMU-CS-91-186 (Unavailable via ftp)
Concept Acquisition through Attribute Evolution and Experiment Selection
Klaus Peter Gross
Ph.D. Thesis
August 1991
168 pages

CMU-CS-91-187 (Unavailable via ftp)
Model-Driven Mapping of Computation onto Distributed Memory Parallel Computers
Alan Sussman
Ph.D. Thesis
September 1991
203 pages

CMU-CS-91-188 (Unavailable via ftp)
Recognizing Substrings of LR(k) Languages in Linear Time
Joseph Bates, Alon Lavie
October 1991
20 pages

CMU-CS-91-189 (Unavailable via ftp)
Compiling Data-Parallel Programs for Efficient Execution on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Siddhartha Chatterjee
Ph.D. Thesis
October 1991
175 pages

Computational Comonads and Intensional Semantics
Stephen Brookes, Shai Geva
October 1991
34 pages

An I/O System for Mach 3.0
Alessandro Forin, David Golub, Brian N. Bershad
October 1991
11 pages


CMU-CS-91-193 (Unavailable via ftp)
Formal Hardware Verification Methods: A Survey
Aarti Gupta
October 1991
70 pages

CMU-CS-91-194 (Unavailable via ftp)
Categorization for Network-Fault Diagnosis
Christopher Maeda
October 1991
13 pages

Symbolic Model Checking with PArtitioned Transition Relations
Jerry L. Burch, Edmund M. Clarke, David E. Long
October 1991
13 pages

Parsing English with a Link Grammar
Daniel D.K. Sleator, Davy Temperley
October 1991
91 pages

CMU-CS-91-197 (Unavailable via ftp)
The MONK's Problems - A Performance Comparison of Different Learning Algorithms
Sebastian B. Thrun, Jerzy Bala, Eric Bloedorn, Ivan Bratko, Bojan Cestnik, John Cheng, Kenneth De Jong, Saso Dzeroski, Douglas Fisher, Scott E. Fahlman, Rainer Hamann, Kenneth Kaufman, Stefan Keller, Igor Kononenko, Juergen Kreuziger, Ryszard S. Michalski, Tom Mitchell, Peter Pachowicz, Yoram Reich, Haleh Vafaie, Walter Van de Welde, Walter Wenzel, Janusz Wnek, Jianping Zhang
December 1991
112 pages

CMU-CS-91-198 (Unavailable via ftp)
Translating Concurrent Communicating Programs into Asynchronous Circuits
Erik Brunvand
Ph.D. Thesis
September 1991
210 pages

Using Active Vision to Simplify Perception for Robot Driving
Douglas A. Reece, Steven Shafer
November 1991
44 pages

CMU-CS-91-200 (Unavailable via ftp)

CMU-CS-91-201 (Unavailable via ftp)
Processing Visual Specifications of File System Security
C. Allan Heydon
Ph.D. Thesis
January 1992
215 pages

CMU-CS-91-202 (Unavailable via ftp)
The Automatic Recognition of Gestures
Dean Harris Rubine
Ph.D. Thesis
December 1991
266 pages

CMU-CS-91-203 (Unavailable via ftp)
Anatomy of a Histogram
Carol L. Novak, Steven A. Shafer
November 1991
38 pages

CMU-CS-91-204 (Unavailable via ftp)
Autonomous Agents: Characterization and Requirements
Jose C. Brustoloni
November 1991
14 pages

CMU-CS-91-205 (Unavailable via ftp)
Programming with Intersection Types and Bounded Polymorphism
Benjamin C. Pierce
Ph.D. Thesis
December 1991
175 pages

CMU-CS-91-206 (Unavailable via ftp)
Short Encodings of Evolving Structures
Daniel D.K. Sleator, Robert E. Tarjan, William P. Thurston
December 1991
26 pages

CMU-CS-91-207 (Unavailable via ftp)
Sampling, Integration, and Computing Volumes
David Applegate
Ph.D. Thesis
December 1991
71 pages

CMU-CS-91-208 (Unavailable via ftp)
PARSEC: A Connectionist Learning Architecture for Parsing Spoken Language
Ajay N. Jain
Ph.D. Thesis
December 1991
164 pages

CMU-CS-91-209 (Unavailable via ftp)
Integrating Knowledge Acquisition and Language Acquisition
Kevin Knight
Ph.D. Thesis
August 1991
104 pages

This index was automatically generated on Thu Jun 6 18:49:12 EDT 1996.