PITTSBURGH, PA 15213-3891
NOTE: Please read this Copyright notice before proceeding.
The following list references the availability of postscript (.ps)
files for our 1995 technical report series. Please note, not all
reports are included...this owing to various copyright constraints
(see COPYRIGHT.mss). If you have questions or concerns related to
these files, please direct your inquiries to
- CMU-CS-95-100
- Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Planar DAGs
Stephen Guattery, Gary L. Miller
May 1995
66 pages
- CMU-CS-95-101
- PADO: Learning Tree Structured Algorithms for Orchestration
into an Object Recognition System
Astro [Eric] Teller, Manuela Veloso
February 1995
33 pages
- CMU-CS-95-102 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Competitive Analysis of Call Admission Algorithms that Allow Delay
Anja Feldmann, Bruce Maggs, Jiri Sgall, Daniel D. Sleator, Andrew Tomkins
January 1995
35 pages
- CMU-CS-95-103
- Stable Function Approximation in Dynamic Programming
Geoffrey J. Gordon
January 1995
23 pages
- CMU-CS-95-104 (Technical Report)
- CMU-CS-95-104 (Errata Sheet)
- Modeling Foreshortening in Stereo Vision using Local Spatial Frequency
Mark W. Maimone, Steven S. Shafer
January 1995
35 pages
- CMU-CS-95-105
- Using Ordered Binary-Decision Diagrams for Compressing Images and
Image Sequences
Mike Starkey, Randy Bryant
January 1995
12 pages
- CMU-CS-95-106
- Unavailable to date
- CMU-CS-95-107
- The Scotch Parallel Storage Systems
Garth A. Gibson, Daniel Stodolsky, Fay W. Chang, William V. Courtright II,
Chris G. Demetriou, Eka Ginting, Mark Holland, Qingming Ma, LeAnn Neal,
R. Hugo Patterson, Jiawen Su, Rachad Youssef, Jim Zelenka
January 1995
11 pages
- CMU-CS-95-108
- Problem Decomposition for Reuse
Daniel Jackson, Michael Jackson
January 1995
37 pages
- CMU-CS-95-110
- Abstract Models of Memory Management
Greg Morrisett, Matthias Felleisen, Robert Harper
January 1995
[Also appears as CMU-CS-FOX-95-01]
37 pages
- CMU-CS-95-111
- Formalizing Style to Understand Descriptions of Software Architecture
Gregory Abowd, Robert Allen, David Garlan
January 1995
32 pages
- CMU-CS-95-112
- Management of Speedup Mechanisms in Learning Architectures
John Cheng
Ph.D. Thesis
January 1995
169 pages
- CMU-CS-95-113
- Production Matching for Large Learning Systems
Robert B. Doorenbos
Ph.D. Thesis
January 1995
200 pages
- CMU-CS-95-114
- Implementing Distributed Server Groups for the World Wide Web
Michael Garland, Sebastian Grassia, Robert Monroe, Siddhartha Puri
January 1995
12 pages
- CMU-CS-95-115
- Cryptanalysis Techniques: An Example Using Kerberos
Jennifer Kay
September 1995
15 pages
- CMU-CS-95-116
- Task-Oriented Generation of Visual Sensing Strategies in Assembly Tasks
Jun Miura, Katsushi Ikeuchi
February 1995
43 pages
- CMU-CS-95-117
- CMU-CS-95-117A
- Experiences Using DCE and CORBA to Build Tool for Creating
Highly-Available Distributed Systems
Elmootazbellah N. Elnozahy, Vivek Ratan, Mark E. Segal
February 1995
15 pages
- CMU-CS-95-118 [PLEASE REFERENCE -- Revised Version]
- Teaching Mathematics to Software Engineers
Jeannette M. Wing
February 1995
23 pages
- CMU-CS-95-118R
- Hints to Specifiers
Jeannette M. Wing
May 1995
22 pages
- CMU-CS-95-119
- A Programming Interface for Application-Aware Adaptation in Mobile Computing
Brian D. Noble, Morgan Price, Mahadev Satyanarayanan
February 1995
14 pages
- CMU-CS-95-120
- Systematic Approach to the Design of Representation-Changing Algorithms
Eugene Fink
February 1995
36 pages
- CMU-CS-95-121
- The Occurrence of Continuation Parameters in CPS Terms
Olivier Danvy, Frank Pfenning
February 1995
23 pages
- CMU-CS-95-122
- Real-Time Specialization Track: Masters of Software Engineering (MSE) Program
Carol L. Hoover
March 1995
12 pages
- CMU-CS-95-123
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Specialization Track:
Masters of Software Engineering (MSE) Program
Carol L. Hoover
March 1995
13 pages
- CMU-CS-95-124
- Business Specialization Track: Masters of Software Engineering (MSE) Program
Carol L. Hoover
March 1995
29 pages
- CMU-CS-95-125
- A Robust Parsing Algorithm for Link Grammars
Dennis Grinberg, John Lafferty, Daniel Sleator
August 1995
- CMU-CS-95-126
- Improving Data Consistency in Mobile Computing Using Isolation-Only
Qi Lu, Mahadev Satyanarayanan
March 1995
8 pages
- CMU-CS-95-127
- Specification Matching of Software Components
Amy Moormann Zaremski, Jeannette M. Wing
March 1995
23 pages
- CMU-CS-95-128
- Model Checking Software Systems: A Case Study
Jeannette M. Wing, Mandana Vaziri-Farahani
March 1995
27 pages
- CMU-CS-95-129 (Temporarily unavailable for ftp)
- Knowledge Tracing: Modeling the Acquisition of Procedural Knowledge
Albert T. Corbett, John R. Anderson
March 1995
[Also appears as Human-Computer Interaction Institute Report CMU-HCII-95-101]
21 pages
- CMU-CS-95-130 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Extending End-User Programming in a Visual Shell with Programming by
Demonstration and Graphical Language Techniques
Francesmary Modugno
Ph.D. Thesis
March 1995
334 pages
- CMU-CS-95-130A (Unavailable via ftp)
- APPENDIX A: User Study Materials
Extending End-User Programming in a Visual Shell with Programming by
Demonstration and Graphical Language Techniques
Francesmary Modugno
Ph.D. Thesis
March 1995
- CMU-CS-95-131
- Tight Analyses of Two Local Load Balancing Algorithms
Bhaskar Ghosh, F. Tom Leighton, Bruce M. Maggs, S. Muthukrishnan,
C. Greg Plaxton, Rajmohan Rajaraman, Andrea W. Richa, Robert E. Tarjan,
David Zuckerman
August 1995
29 pages
- CMU-CS-95-132
- CMU-CS-95-132A
- CMU-CS-95-132B
- Are Case Studies a Good Teaching Tool for CS1?
Jacobo Carrasquel
January 1995
7 pages
- CMU-CS-95-133
- Everyday Believability
Garrett A. Pelton, Jill Fain Lehman
March 1995
14 pages
- CMU-CS-95-134 [See]
- Informed Prefetching and Caching
R. Hugo Patterson, Garth A. Gibson, Eka Ginting, Daniel Stodolsky, Jim Zelenka
May 1995
26 pages
- CMU-CS-95-134R
- Informed Prefetching and Caching
R. Hugo Patterson, Garth A. Gibson, Eka Ginting, Daniel Stodolsky,
Jim Zelenka
August 1995
This is a revised version of CMU-CS-95-134, to appear in the Proceedings
of the 15th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP).
17 pages (conference format)
- CMU-CS-95-135
- An Integral Approach to Free-form Object Modeling
Hueng-Yeung Shum, Martial Hebert, Katsushi Ikeuchi, Raj Reddy
May 1995
34 pages
- CMU-CS-95-136
- Abstractions and Implementations for Architectural Connections
Mary Shaw, Robert DeLine, Gregory Zelesnik
March 1995
- CMU-CS-95-137
- Dome: Parallel Programming in a Heterogeneous Multi-User Environment
Jose Nagib Cotrim Arabe, Adam Beguelin, Bruce Lowekamp, Erik Seligman,
Mike Starkey, Peter Stephan
April 1995
28 pages
- CMU-CS-95-138
- Visual Analysis of High DOF Articulated Objects
with Application to Hand Tracking
James M. Rehg
Ph.D. Thesis (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
April 1995
140 pages
- CMU-CS-95-139
- Behavior-based Language Generation for Believable Agents
A. Bryan Loyall, Joseph Bates
March 1995
19 pages
- CMU-CS-95-140
- Bit-Level Analysis of an SRT Divider Circuit
Randal E. Bryant
April 1995
11 pages
- CMU-CS-95-141
- Removing the Genetics from the Standard Genetic Algorithm
Shumeet Baluja, Rich Caruana
May 1995
11 pages
- CMU-CS-95-142,
- Speech Recognition Using Neural Networks
Joseph Tebelskis
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1995
- CMU-CS-95-143
- Using the Representation in a Neural Network's Hidden Layer for
Task-Specific Focus of Attention
Shumeet Baluja, Dean Pomerleau
May 1995
10 pages
- CMU-CS-95-144
- Inducing Features of Random Fields
Stephen Della Pietra, Vincent Della Pietra, John Lafferty
May 1995
38 pages
- CMU-CS-95-145
- A Model Analysis of Staged Computation
Rowan Davies, Frank Pfenning
May 1995
[Also appears as CMU-CS-FOX-95-02]
25 pages
- CMU-CS-95-146
- Reflectance Analysis for 3D Computer Graphics Model Generation
Yoichi Sato, Katsushi Ikeuchi
June 1995
- CMU-CS-95-147
- Unavailable to Date
- CMU-CS-95-148
- Lightweight Languages for Interactive Graphics
Scott Draves
May 1995
52 pages
- CMU-CS-95-149
- Evaluating Job Scheduling Techniques for Highly Parallel Computers
Takashi Suzuoka, Jaspal Subhlok, Thomas
August 1995
11 pages
- CMU-CS-95-150
- Higher-Order Superposition for Dependent Types
Roberto Virga
May 1995
34 pages
- CMU-CS-95-151 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Architectures
for Software Systems
David Garlan, Editor
April 1995
301 pages
- CMU-CS-95-152
- Application of Convex Sampling to Optimization and Contingency Table
John Mount
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1995
116 pages
- CMU-CS-95-153
- Virtualiized Reality: Concept and Early Results
Takeo Kanade, P.J. Narayanan, Peter Rander
August 1995
17 pages
- CMU-CS-95-154
- Strong Restricted-Orientation Convexity
Eugene Fink, Derick Wood
June 1995
27 pages
- CMU-CS-95-155
- Compiler Directed Architecture-Dependent Communication Optimizatons
Susan Karen Hinrichs
Ph.D. Thesis
June 1995
152 pages
- CMU-CS-95-156
- Model Checking Cache Coherence Protocols for Distributed File Systems
Mandana Vaziri-Farahani
May 1995
32 pages
- CMU-CS-95-157
- An Efficient Technique for Tracking Nondeterministic Execution and
its Applications
Elmootazbellah N. Elnozahy
May 1995
21 pages
- CMU-CS-95-158 (See revised version CMU-CS-95-158R)
- Human Face Detection in Visual Scenes
Henry A. Rowley, Shumeet Baluja, Takeo Kanade
July 1995
19 pages
- CMU-CS-95-158R
- Human Face Detection in Visual Scenes
Henry A. Rowley, Shumeet Baluja, Takeo Kanade
November 1995
19 pages
- CMU-CS-95-159
- Hybrid Decision Diagrams: Overcoming the Limitations of MTBDDs and BMDs
Edmund Clarke, Masahiro Fujita, Xudong Zhao
April 1995
21 pages
- CMU-CS-95-160
- Applications of Multi-Terminal Binary Decision Diagrams
Edmund Clarke, Masahiro Fujita, Xudong Zhao
April 1995
21 pages
- CMU-CS-95-161
- Word Level Symbolic Model Checking: A New Approach for Verifying
Arithmetic Circuits
Edmund Clarke, Xudong Zhao
May 1995
23 pages
- CMU-CS-95-162
- Design, Implementation, and Performance of a Scalable Multi-Camera
Interactive Video Capture System
Martin Frankel, Jon A. Webb
June 1995
17 pages
- CMU-CS-95-163
- A Study of Higher-order Sequential Computation
Shai Geva
Ph.D. Thesis
August 1995
96 pages
- CMU-CS-95-164
- Natural Negotiation for Believable Agents
W. Scott Reilly, Joseph Bates
June 1995
25 pages
- CMU-CS-95-165 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Collected Papers of the Soar/IFOR Project: Spring 1995
W. Lewis Johnson, Randolph M. Jones, Frank V. Koss, John E. Laird,
Jill F. Lehman, Paul E. Neilsen, Paul S. Rosenbloom, Robert Rubinoff,
Karl B. Schwamb, Milind Tambe, Julie Van Dyke, Michael van Lent,
and Robert E. Wray III
June 1995
[Published concurrently at the University of Michigan (CSE\-TR-242-95)
and the University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute
78 pages
- CMU-CS-95-166 [See]
- The Amulet Reference Manuals
Brad A. Myers, Rich McDaniel, Alan Ferrency, Andy Mickish,
Alex Klimovitski, Amy McGovern
[Also appears as CMU-HCII-95-102]
June 1995
236 pages
- CMU-CS-95-166-R1
- The Amulet V2.0 Reference Manual
Brad A. Myers, Alan Ferrency, Rich McDaniel, Robert C. Miller,
Patrick Doane, Andy Mickish, Alex Klimovitski
[Also appears as CMU-HCII-95-102-R1, Revised Version of]
February 1996
- CMU-CS-95-167
- On the Relevance of Communication Costs of Rollback-Recovery Protocols
Elmootazbellah N. Elnozahy
June 1995
16 pages
- CMU-CS-95-168
- Automatic Generation of Parallel Programs with Dynamic Load Balancing
for a Network of Workstations
Bruce S. Siegell
Ph.D. Thesis (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
May 1995
215 pages
- CMU-CS-95-169
- NESL User's Manual [For NESL Version 3.1]
Guy E. Blelloch, Jonathan C. Hardwick, Jay Sipelstein, Marco Zagha
September 1995
31 pages
- CMU-CS-95-170
- NESL: A Nested Data-Parallel Language[Version 3.1]
Guy E. Blelloch
September 1995
66 pages
- CMU-CS-95-171
- Typed Closure Conversion
Yosuhiko Minamide, Greg Morrisett, Robert Harper
[Also appears as CMU-CS-FOX-95-05]
July 1995
39 pages
- CMU-CS-95-172
- A Preliminary Model of Expert Programming
Erik M. Altmann, Bonnie E. John
July 1995
[Also appears as CMU-HCII-95-103]
17 pages
- CMU-CS-95-173 (Unavilable via ftp)
- The Paraperspective and Projective Factorization Methods for
Recovering Shape and Motion
Conrad J. Poelman
Ph.D. Thesis
July 1995
146 pages
- CMU-CS-95-174
- Using Dynamic Sets to Speed Search in World Wide Information Systems
David C. Steere
March 1995
18 pages
- CMU-CS-95-175 (Unavailable via Date)
- Learning Search Control Knowledge to Improve Plan Quality
Maria Alicia Perez
Ph.D. Thesis
July 1995
275 pages
- CMU-CS-95-176
- Amulet's Dynamic and Flexible Prototype-Instance Object and
Constraint System in C++
Rich McDaniel, Brad A. Myers
July 1995
[Also appears as CMU-HCII-95-104]
22 pages
- CMU-CS-95-177
- The Effect of Representation and Knowledge on Goal-Directed
Exploration with Reinforcement-Learning Algorithms: The Proofs
Sven Koenig, Reid G. Simmons
October 1995
10 pages
- CMU-CS-95-178
- Exceptions Are Strictly More Powerful Than Call/CC
Mark Lillibridge
July 1995
11 pages
- CMU-CS-95-179
- Trace-based Program Analysis
Christopher Colby, Peter Lee
[Also appears as CMU-CS-FOX-95-04]
July 1995
27 pages
- CMU-CS-95-180
- Sequence Types for Functional Languages
Edoardo S. Biagioni
[Also appears as CMU-CS-FOX-95-06]
August 1995
23 pages
- CMU-CS-95-181
- CMU-CS-95-181A (special titlepage)
- Fast Polygonal Approximation of Terrains and Height Fields
Michael Garland, Paul S. Heckbert
September 1995
41 pages
- CMU-CS-95-182 (Special CS Title Page)
- Fourier Formulation of Illumination Optics and Computer Automated
Reflector Design
Robert D. Stock
Ph D. Thesis (Physics Department)
August 1995
166 pages
- CMU-CS-95-183
- The Harmonic Sieve: A Novel Application of Fourier Analysis to
Machine Learning Theory and Practice
Jeffrey C. Jackson
Ph.D. Thesis
August 1995
154 pages
- CMU-CS-95-184
- Exploiting Structured Data in Wide-Area Information Systems
John Ockerbloom
August 1995
15 pages
- CMU-CS-95-185
- Exploiting Weak Connectivity for Mobile File Access
Lily B. Mummert, Maria R. Ebling, Mahadev Satyanarayanan
August 1995
15 pages
- CMU-CS-95-186
- Video Skimming for Quick Browsing based on Audio and Image Characterization
Michael A. Smith, Takeo Kanade
July 1995
24 pages
- CMU-CS-95-187 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Applications of Graph-Theoretical Properties in Algorithms
Stephen Guattery
Ph.D. Thesis
September 1995
117 pages
- CMU-CS-95-188
- Smart Cards in Hostile Environments
Howard Gobioff, Sean Smith, J. Doug Tygar
September 1995
7 pages
- CMU-CS-95-189
- Evaluating a Multimedia Authoring Tool with Cognitive Walkthrough
and Think-Aloud User Studies
Bonnie E. John, Matthew M. Mashyna
August 1995
[Also appears as CMU-HCII-95-105]
50 pages
- CMU-CS-95-190 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Color Image Quantization Enhancement Techniques
Jefferey A. Shufelt
September 1995
37 pages
- CMU-CS-95-191
- ECO: Efficient Collective Operations for Communications on
Heterogeneous Networks
Bruce B. Lowekamp, Adam Beguelin
August 1995
24 pages
- CMU-CS-95-192
- Gigbit Nectar: Architecture and Performance
Peter Steenkiste
September 1995
23 pages
- CMU-CS-95-193
- An Empirical Comparison of Seven Iterative and Evolutionary Function
Optimization Heuristics
Shumeet Baluja
September 1995
22 pages
- CMU-CS-95-194 (Unpublished)
- CMU-CS-95-195 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Design and Evaluation of a Semi-Automated Site Modeling System
Yuan Hsieh
November 1995
80 pages
- CMU-CS-95-196
- Unavailable to date
- CMU-CS-95-197
- Spherical Representations: from EGI to SAI
Katsushi Ikeuchi, Martial Hebert
October 1995
29 pages
- CMU-CS-95-198 (Unavailable via ftp)
- SAR Target Recognition Based on Invariant Histograms and
Deformable Template Matching
Katsushi Ikeuchi, Takeshi Shakunaga, Mark D. Wheeler, Taku Yamazaki
March 1996
40 pages
- CMU-CS-95-199
- Just Draw It! Programming by Sketching Storyboards
James A. Landay, Brad A. Myers
November 1995
[Also appears as CMU-HCII-95-106]
17 pages
- CMU-CS-95-200
- RAIDframe: Rapid Prototyping for Disk Arrays
Garth Gibson, William V. Courtright II, Mark Holland, Jim Zelenka
October 1995
19 pages
- CMU-CS-95-201 (Unavailable via ftp)
- On-line Call Admission for High-Speed Networks
Anja Feldmann
Ph.D. Thesis
October 1995
186 pages
- CMU-CS-95-202
- Detecting Shared Representations Using Type Inference
Robert O'Callahan, Daniel Jackson
September 1995
23 pages
- CMU-CS-95-203
- Unavailable to date
- CMU-CS-95-204
- Unavailable to date
- CMU-CS-95-205
- Optimizing ML with Run-Time Code Generation
Mark Leone, Peter Lee
December 1995
21 pages
- CMU-CS-95-206 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Proceedings of the Workshop on Value Function Approximation
Justin A. Boyan, Andrew W. Moore, Richard S. Sutton, Editors
July 1995
92 pages
- CMU-CS-95-207
- Broad Learning from Narrow Training: A Case Study in Robotics Soccer
Peter Stone, Manuela Veloso
November 1995
16 pages
- CMU-CS-95-208
- Lifelong Learning: A Case Study
Sebastian Thrun
November 1995
40 pages
- CMU-CS-95-209
- Clustering Learning Tasks and the Selective Cross-Task Transfer of Knowledge
Sebastian Thrun, Joseph O'Sullivan
November 1995
36 pages
- CMU-CS-95-210
- Tracking Human Faces in Real-Time
Jie Yang, Alex Waibel
November 1995
37 pages
- CMU-CS-95-211 (Unpublished)
- CMU-CS-95-212
- On 3D Shape Similarity
Heung-yeung Shum, Martial Hebert, Katsushi Ikeuchi
November 1995
32 pages
- CMU-CS-95-213
- On 3D Shape Synthesis
Heung-yeung Shum, Martial Hebert, Katsushi Ikeuchi
November 1995
31 pages
- CMU-CS-95-214
- The Design and Evolution of a Distributed Measurement Framework
Brian D. Noble
December 1995
13 pages
- CMU-CS-95-215
- Iterative Estimation of Rotation and Translation using the Quaternion
Mark D. Wheeler, Katsushi Ikeuchi
December 1995
17 pages
- CMU-CS-95-216
- Unavailable to date
- CMU-CS-95-217A,
- Serious Putty: Topological Design for Variational Curves and Surfaces
William Welch
Ph.D. Thesis
December 1995
134 pages
- CMU-CS-95-218
- A Computational Meta Logic for the Horn Fragment of LF
Carsten Schurmann
Master's Thesis (Philosophy)
December 1995
159 pages
- CMU-CS-95-219
- Unavailable to date
- CMU-CS-95-220
- Unavailable to date
- CMU-CS-95-221
- Fast Planning Through Planning Graph Analysis
Avrim L. Blum, Merrick L. Furst
December 1995
22 pages
- CMU-CS-95-222
- Beating a Defender in Robotic Soccer: Memory-Based Learning of a
Continuous Function
Peter Stone, Manuela Veloso
December 1995
11 pages
- CMU-CS-95-223
- Language Support for Mobile Agents
Frederick Colville Knabe
Ph.D. Thesis
December 1995
158 pages
- CMU-CS-95-224 (Appendix)
- Formalizing the Uni-Processor Simplex Architecture
Jose German Rivera, Alejandro Andres Danylyszyn
December 1995
52 pages
- CMU-CS-95-225
- Safe and Efficient Persistent Heaps
Scott M. Nettles
Ph.D. Thesis
December 1995
208 pages
- CMU-CS-95-226
- Compiling with Types
Greg Morrisett
Ph.D. Thesis
December 1995
233 pages
This index was automatically generated on Wed Jan 22 12:03:45 EST