PITTSBURGH, PA 15213-3891
NOTE: Please read this Copyright notice before proceeding.
The following list references the availability of postscript (.ps)
files for our Robotics Institute technical report series. Please note,
not all reports are included....this owing to various copyright
constraints (see COPYRIGHT.mss). If you have questions or concerns
related to these files, please direct your inquiries to Enjoy.
- CMU-RI-TR-86-9
- An Architecture for Sensor Fusion in a Mobile Robot
Steven A. Shacer, Anthony Stentz, Charles E. Thorpe
April 1986
27 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-86-12 (scanned)
- Kinematic Modeling of Wheeled Mobile Robots
Patrick F. Muir, Charles P. Neuman
June 1986
135 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-87-12
- 1986 Year End Report for Road Following at Carnegie Mellon
Charles Thorpe, Takeo Kanade
May 1987
66 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-87-12
- Optimal Design of Robotic Manipulator Trajectories: A Nonlinear Programming
Mark L. Nagurka, Vincent Yen
April 1987
27 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-87-16
- Implementation and Performance of a Complex Vision System on a Systolic
Array Machine
Ed Clune, Jill D. Crisman, Gudrun J. Klinker, Jon A. Webb
June 1987
23 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-87-17
- Low-Level Vision on Warp and the Apply Programming Model
Leonard G.C. Hamey, Jon A. Webb, I-Chen Wu
July 1987
20 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-87-18
- The Warp Computer: Architecture, Implementation, and Performance
Marco Annaratone, Emmanuel Arnould, Thomas Gross, H.T. Kung, Monica Lam,
Onat Menzilcioglu, Jon A. Webb
July 1987
30 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-87-21
- Object Recognition on a Systolic Array
Claire M. Bono, Jon A. Webb
September 1987
20 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-87-24 [please notice, this is a manuscript file]
- NAVLAB: An Autonomous Navigation Testbed
Kevin Dowling, Robert Guzikowski, Jim Ladd, Henning Pangels, Jeff Singh,
William Whittaker
November 1987
44 pages
[photographs unavailable]
- CMU-RI-TR-88-4
- 1987 Year End Report for Road Following at Carnegie Mellon
Charles Thorpe, Takeo Kanade
August 1988
138 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-88-8
- The Driving Pipeline: A Driving Control Scheme for Mobile Robots
Yoshimasa Goto, Steven A. Shafer, Anthony Stentz
June 1988
25 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-88-12 (scanned)
- 3-D Vision Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles
Martial Nebert, Takeo Kanade, In So Kweon
August 1988
69 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-89-1
- A Case Study in Robot Exploration
Long-Ji Lin, Tom M. Mitchell, Andrew Phillips, Reid Simmons
January 1989
16 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-89-19
- A Sampled-Grating Model of Moire Patterns from Digital Imaging
John Krumm, Steven A. Shafer
July 1989
35 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-89-22
- Development of an Integrated Mobile Robot System at Carnegie Mellon
University: June 1988 Annual Report
Steve Shafer, William Whittaker
July 1989
58 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-89-29
- Exerpeince with a Task Control Architecture for Mobile Robots
Long-Ji Lin, Reid Simmons, Christopher Fedor
December 1989
22 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-90-09
- Color Image Processing for Navigation: Two Road Trackers
D. Aubert, Charles Thorpe
April 1990
20 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-90-11
- Local Spatial Frequency Analysis for Computer Vision
John Krumm, Steven A. Shafer
May 1990
50 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-90-12
- Development of an Integrated Mobile Robot System at Carnegie Mellon
University: December 1989 Final Report
Steve Shafer, William Whittaker
January 1990
106 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-90-15
- Integrated System for SIngle Leg Walking
Reid Simmons, Eric Krotkov, Gerry Roston
July 1990
56 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-90-16
- Concurrent Planning and Execution for a Walking Robot
Reid Simmons
July 1990
18 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-90-18 (compressed)
- 3-D Object Pose Determination
Sing Bing Kang and Katsushi Ikeuchi
October 1990
- CMU-RI-TR-90-23
- First Year End Report for Perception for Outdoor Navigation
Charles Thorpe, Takeo Kanade
November 1990
102 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-90-27
- Real-Time Vision for Robot Swat Juggling
Sanjiv Singh
December 1990 (Revised August 1991)
28 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-90-30 (scanned)
- Laser Rangefinder Calibration for a Walking Robot
Eric Krotkov
December 1990
35 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-90-31
- Path Generation for Robot Vehicles Using Composite Clothoid Segments
Dong Hun Shin, Sanjiv Singh
December 1990
43 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-91-1 (scanned)
- Experimental Characterization of the Perceptron Laser Rangefinder
In So Kweon, Regis Hoffman, Eric Krotkov
January 1991
51 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-91-18
- Cyclone: A Laser Scanner for Mobile Robot Navigation
Sanjiv Singh, Jay West
September 1991
28 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-91-24 (compressed)
- A Framework for Recognizing Grasps
Sing Bing Kang and Katsushi Ikeuchi
November 1991
- CMU-RI-TR-91-26 (scanned)
- Dynamic Lens Compensation for Active Color Imaging and Constant
Magnification Focusing
Reg G. Willson, Steven A. Shafer
November 1991
51 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-91-28
- Second Annual Report for Perception for Outdoor Navigation
Charles Thorpe, Takeo Kanade
December 1991
96 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-91-34
- Some Approaches to Finding Birds in Video Imagery
Paul E. Allen, Charles E. Thorpe
December 1991
17 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-92-13 (compressed)
- RACCOON: A Real-time Autonomous Car Chaser Operating Optimally at Night
Rahul Sukthankar
October 1992
17 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-92-16
- Third Annual Report for Perception for Outdoor Navigation
Chuck Thorpe, Takeo Kanade
September 1992
75 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-93-03 (compressed) [photographs unavailable]
- The Terregator Mobile Robot
Lee Champeny-Bares, Syd Coppersmith, Kevin Dowling
Field Robotics Center
May 1991
45 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-93-07
- Depth from Focusing and Defocusing
Yalin Xiong, Steve Shafer
- CMU-RI-TR-93-09
- Panacea: An Active Sensor Controller for the ALVINN Autonomous Driving
Rahul Sukthankar, Dean Pomerleau, Chuck Thorpe
April 1993
12 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-93-10
- Massively Parallel, Adaptive, Color Image Processing for Autonomous
Road Following
Todd Jochem, Shumeet Baluja
May 1993
28 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-93-13 (compressed)
- Finding Stable Orientations of Assemblies with Linear Programming
D. Baraff, R. Mattikalli, B. Repetto, P. Khosla
- CMU-RI-TR-93-15 (compressed)
- Impending Motion Direction of Contacting Rigid Bodies
D. Baraff, R. Mattikalli
- CMU-RI-TR-93-24 (compressed)
- Real-time 3-D Pose Estimation Using a High-Speed Range Sensor
David Simon, Martial Hebert, Takeo Kanade
November 1993
18 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-93-25
- The Determination of Surface Roughness from Reflected Step Edges
Ronald A. Stone, Steven A. Shafer
November 1993
43 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-93-28 (compressed)
- The Resolvability Ellipsoid for Sensor Based Manipulation
Brad Nelson and Pradeep K. Khosla
October 1993
29 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-03 (compressed)
- Modeling and Calibration of Automated Zoom Lenses
Reg G. Willson
Ph.D. Thesis
January 1994
190 pages
[The full postscript file for this thesis is about 32 meg, of
which 18 meg are relatively less important figures in appendix
B showing examples of chromatic aberration in various lenses. In
this abridged version Figures B.5 through B.46 have been omitted
(they appear as blank). The resulting postscript file is only 14.6 meg
long. Compressed it comes to 4.1 meg. The scanned image version is
- CMU-RI-TR-94-06
- Variable Window Gabor Filters and Their Use in Focus and Correspondence
Yalin Xiong, Steve Shafer
Marcy 1994
27 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-07 (scanned)
- A Complete Navigation System for Goal Acquisition in Unknown Environments
April 1994
39 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-08 (compressed)
- Minimal Fixturing of Frictionless Assemblies: Complexity and Algorithms
D. Baraff, R. Mattikalli, P. Khosla
- CMU-RI-TR-94-12 (compressed)
- Robust Control of Underactuated Manipulators: Analysis and Implementation
Marcel Bergerman, Yangsheng Xu
May 1994
27 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-13 (compressed)
- Actuability of Underactuated Manipulators
Christopher Lee, Yangsheng Xu
June 1994
25 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-14 (compressed)
- Essential Kinematics for Autonomous Vehicles
Alonzo Kelly
May 1994
- CMU-RI-TR-94-15 (compressed)
- Modern Inertial and Satellite Navigation
Alonzo Kelly
May 1994
- CMU-RI-TR-94-16 (compressed)
- A Partial Analysis of the High Speed Autonomous Navigation
Alonzo Kelly
May 1994
- CMU-RI-TR-94-17 (compressed)
- A Feedforward Control Approach to the Local Navigation Problem for
Autonomous Vehicles
Alonzo Kelly
May 1994
49 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-18 (compressed)
- Adaptive Perception for Autonomous Vehicles
Alonzo Kelly
May 1994
30 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-19 (compressed)
- A 3D Space Formulation of a Navigation Kalman Filter for Autonomous Vehicles
Alonzo Kelly
May 1994
95 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-20 (compressed)
- An Intelligent Predictive Controller for Autonomous Vehicles
Alonzo Kelly
May 1994
57 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-21 (compressed)
- Concept Design of a Scanning Laser Rangefinder for Autonomous Vehicles
Alonzo Kelly
May 1994
62 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-23
- Collective Problem Solving through Coordination in a Society of
Reactive Agents
JyiShane Liu
June 1994
34 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-24 (compressed)
- Geometric Sensing of Known Planar Shapes
Yan-Bin Jia, Michael Erdmann
July 1994
50 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-25 (compressed)
- Dynamic Coupling of Underactuated Manipulators
Marcel Bergerman, Yangsheng Xu
August 1994
34 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-28
- Moment and Hypergeometric Filters for High Precision Computation
of Focus, Stereo, and Optical Flow
Yalin Xiong, Steven Shafer
- CMU-RI-TR-94-33
- Multi-Agent Perception for Human/Robot Interaction: A Framework for
Intuitive Trajectory Modification
Richard M. Voyles, Jr., Pradeep K. Khosla
- CMU-RI-TR-94-35
- Truncated Gaussians as Tolerance Sets
Fabio Cozman and Eric Krotkov
September 94
45 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-36
- Partitioning Contact-State Space using the Theoy of Polyhedral Convex Cones
George V. Paul, Katsushi Ikeuchi
August 1994
46 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-39
- Using Virtual Active Vision Tools to Improve Autonomous Driving Tasks
Todd M. Jochem
October 1994
23 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-42
- A Genetic Methodology for Configuration Design
Gerry Roston
Ph.D. Thesis (Mechanical Engineering)
December 1994
170 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-94-43
- ELVIS: Eigenvectors for Land Vehicle Image System
John Hancock...
- CMU-RI-TR-95-01 (scanned)
- Refinement of Seafloor Elevation Using Acoustic Backscatter
Andrew E. Johnson, Martial Hebert
March 1995
38 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-02
- Flexible Coordination in Resource-Constrained Domains
Stephen F. Smith, Katia P. Sycara
December 1993
36 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-03
- Applying Constraint Satisfaction Techniques to Job Shop Scheduling
Cheng-Chung Cheng, Stephen F. Smith
January 1995
46 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-05 (unavailable via ftp; scanned)
- Towards Human Control Strategy Learning: Neural Network Approach with
Variable Activation Functions
Michael C. Nechyba, Yangsheng Xu
March 1995
50 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-06 (scanned)
- Neural Networks for Real-Time Terrain Typing
Ian Lane Davis
January 1995
18 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-08 (scanned, unavailable via ftp)
- Resolution Independent Grid-based Path Planning
Gita Krishnaswamy, Anthony Stentz
April 1995
30 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-09 (unavailable via ftp)
- Towards Human Control Strategy Learning: Neural Network Approach with
Variable Activation Functions
Michael C. Nechyba, Yangsheng Xu
- CMU-RI-TR-95-10 (scanned)
- Dense Structure From A Dense Optical Flow Sequence
Yalin Xiong, Steve A. Shafer
April 1995
41 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-11 (scanned)
- Force and Vision Resolvability for Assimilating Disparate Sensory Feedback
Bradley J. Nelson, Pradeep K. Khosla
February 1995
48 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-12 (scanned)
- PORK Object System Programmers' Guide
Ora Lassila
April 1995
67 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-13 (scanned)
- Using Case-Based Reasoning as a Reinforcement Learning Framework for
Optimization with Changing Criteria
Dajun Zeng, Katia Sycara
March 1995
19 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-14 (scanned)
- Cooperative Intelligent Software Agents
Dajun Zeng, Katia Sycara
March 1995
16 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-15 (scanned)
- BOA: Asbestos Pipe-Insulation Removal Robot System
Hagen Schempf
January 1995
62 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-16 (scanned)
- Experimental Study of an Underactuated Manipulator
Marcel Bergerman, C. Lee, Y Xu
April 1995
28 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-21 (scanned)
- Initial Results in Vision Based Road and Intersection Detection and
Todd M. Jochem
April 1995
32 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-24 (scanned)
- Design of a Day/Night Lunar Rover
The Mobile Robot Design Class of Spring 1995: Peter Berkelman, Mei Chen,
Jesse Easudes, John Hancock, Martin C. Martin, Andrew B. Mor,
Eric Rollins, Alex Sharf, Jack Silberman, Tom Warren, Deepak Bapna
June 1995
136 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-95-39 [Updated version of CMU-RI-TR-91-23]
- Variable and Value Ordering Heuristics for the Job Shop Scheduling
Constraint Satisfaction Problem
Norman M. Sadeh, Mark S. Fox
November 1995
- CMU-RI-TR-95-44 (Electronic format only, hard copies unavailable)
- Linear-Time Dynamics using Lagrange Multipliers
David Baraff
January 1996
[SIGGRAPH version available: /]
- CMU-RI-TR-96-01
- Valdimir Brajovic
January 1996
- CMU-RI-TR-96-03
- An Exploratory Prototype for Air Medical Evacuation Re-Planning
Ora Lassila, Marcel Becker, Stephen F. Smith
February 1996
55 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-96-10
- An Integrated Process-Planning/Production-Scheduling Shell for
Agile Manufacturing
Norman M. Sadeh, David W. Hildum, Thomas J. Laliberty, Stephen F. Smith,
John McA'Nulty and Dag Kjenstad
- CMU-RI-TR-96-11
- OZONE Distributed Communication Library
Ora Lassila, Marcel Becker
March 1996
37 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-96-34
- Robot Spatial Perception by Stereoscopic Vision and 3D Evidence Grids
Hans P. Moravec
September 1996
- CMU-RI-TR-96-43
- Accelerating the Diffusion of Production Management Innovations
Among Small to Midsized Enterprises Via Electronic Marketing
Donald W. Kosy
December 1996
78 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-96-44
- Design and Evaluation of 3-D Pre-operative Planning Software:
Application to Acetabular Implant Alignment
Mike Blackwell, David Simon, Sumitha Rao, Anthony DiGioia
December 1996
12 pages
- CMU-RI-TR-97-09
- Range of Motion After Total Hip Arthroplasty:
Experimental Verification of the Analytical Simulator
Branislav Jaramaz, Constantinos Nikou, David Simon, Anthony DiGioia III
February 1997
12 pages
This index was automatically generated on Tue Mar 25 14:53:49 EST