Stewart M. Clamen

308 Iris Rd
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Tel: +1 856-616-1001
Skill Summary

Active Expert in Perl, SQL (Oracle PL/SQL and MySQL); Active Competency in Python; (Historically) Expert in C++, C, Scheme; (Historically) Competency in C++ STL, Common Lisp; detailed academic knowledge of Java, C#; ongoing study of Groovy/Grails; OOD/OOP, multithreading, transaction processing, distributed computing
Software engineering/management:
Project leadership, software architecture, software design process (leading design and code reviews), teaching and mentoring
User/programmer/administrator of Unix workstations (HPUX, BSD, Solaris, Linux) since 1985, MS Windows since 1997. Sole administrator of own server platforms (Linux) supporting popular web site since 1998. OS and software installation/upgrades
Broad knowledge of programming language principles allowing for quick assimilation of new PL platforms

Selected Experience

Rowan University
 Information Systems Development and Maintenance (formerly Enterprise Information Systems)
Glassboro, NJ
Sr. Systems Analyst
Summer 2013-present
Systems Analyst
Fall 2004-Summer 2012
Duties include the maintenance and customization of the production operation of the University's central ERP platform (Ellucian Banner) and a substantial number of auxiliary systems. Bug detection and customization of the system as provided by the vendor. Analysis, design and implementation of adjunct processes to complement the baseline product. Implementations consist of web-driven applications or scripts written in PL/SQL, Perl or Python against an Oracle back-end. Soliciting Requirements from clients (other University offices) with dramatically varied understanding of information technology in general and databases and computer-mediated workflow processes in particular. Tasks have spanned nearly all the functions supported by Banner: Student Admissions, Student Records and Registration, Student Housing, Finance (Accounting, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable), Position Control (HR) and Payroll. In addition to the Banner ERP, serving (or have served) as a primary in-house technical point of contact for functional offices for a variety of auxiliary systems, including: Adirondack THD, Zap AMP, Touchnet, Ellucian Recruiter, Nolij.

Specific responsibilities and highlighted projects include:
  • Analyzing requirements, developing architecture, and maintaining system for the management of Door Security access plans based on population selection in baseline Banner (class registration, dorm room assignment) or defined roles (effective active student, active employee, active affiliate).
  • Analyzing requirements and developing architecture for the maintenance of identities of University-affiliated individuals requiring access to (online) University resources and ID cards. Day-to-day administration of the resulting "Affiliate" process. Develop architecture for second-generation, interactive Affiliate Management system currently under development.
  • Developing and maintaining processes to integrate admissions application data feeds for the various Admissions departments at the University: e.g.,. AMCAS standard application (via Zap AMP); AACOMAS standard application (via Zap AMP); Technolutions Slate CRM. Historical sources also include Ellucian Recruiter CRM and Hobsons CRM).
  • Developing and maintaining load-testing scripts (using JMeter) for Student Course Registration on Banner 8 and Banner 9 platforms.
  • Maintaining linkages between enterprise systems (Banner, etc.) and payment processor (Touchnet), including developing and maintaining adjunct facility to support posting of student accounts receivable transactions performed at payment processor to ERP (Banner).
  • Developing and maintaining an interactive system to allow instructors and administrators control over the regular export of registration to the third-party Learning Management Systems (LMS) in use by the various Rowan colleges (Blackboard Learn, Canvas, and historically, WebCT)
  • Serving as a primary instructional resource for other systems and Business Intelligence analysts for the operation of Banner processes, both Baseline and Adjunct.
  • Analyzing requirements and developing architecture for the collection of skill-focused assessments of students by faculty. Developing and maintaining suite of administrative tools for this framework.
  • Developing and maintaining adjunct process to synchronize student residence assignments with the RLUH system's database schema (Adirondack THD). [No longer in Production]
  • Overseeing (as committee chair) the requirements elicitation and analysis for significant adjunct development/baseline modification projects. (2009-2015)
  • Designing, developing and maintaining alternative Web-driven platform for the modular deployment of adjunct processes and report generators (including "Section Tally")
  • Analyzing legacy system and business processes of UMDNJ-SOM and developing and implementing strategies for integration into the Rowan environment as required by NJ Medical and Health Sciences Higher Education Restructuring Act (2012). Responsibilities focused on Finance and Student Admissions functions.
  • Developing and maintaining adjunct processes to generate printed timesheets for all University employees. [No longer in Production]
Movie Review Query Engine
Creator, Sole Proprietor
Fall 1993-2006
Publisher, Chief Architect
Conceived, created and maintained the Movie Review Query Engine (MRQE), hosting the first and one of the largest and most current directories of online film reviews (800K+ reviews of 100K+ titles). From inception until 2006, was responsible for development and maintenance of all aspects of the web site (HTTP, HTML, database access, etc.), including a Perl library for automatically extracting current information from targeted review sources. Brought on partner in 2006 to oversee business development while retaining back-end system architecture, data integration and editorial responsibilities. Since 2007, user front-end has been a Ruby-on-Rails implementation developed and maintained by contractors.
Rowan University
 Department of Computer Science
Glassboro, NJ
Instructor (Adjunct)
Fall 2004
Fall 2001-Spring 2002
Duties included preparing and giving lectures, writing and grading assignments and exams, department committee work. Classes taught: Principles of Software Engineering; Introduction to Programming Languages; Computer Organization; Computers & Society. Taught Computers & Society again as an adjunct faculty member Fall 2004.
Clairvoyance (CLARITECH) Corporation Pittsburgh, PA
Principal Systems Architect
October 2000-Spring 2001
Senior Systems Designer
April 1997-September 2000
As a Senior Systems Designer, responsible for design, implementation, maintenance and promotion of various components of the CLARIT Toolkit, a large (>400K lines) C++ library supporting text processing and retrieval. As Lead on various projects, interacted extensively with documentation and quality assurance teams as necessary. Participated in design and code reviews, mentored interns, previewed résumés of job applicants, interviewed applicants. As Principal Systems Architect, took on additional managerial responsibilities, and oversight of general integration of system components. Oversaw development of a set of Java APIs to various CLARIT capabilities (Jan 2001); identified need and led effort to integrate XML into various regions of the Toolkit, organized "Summer School" classes to promote XML literacy within the company (Summer 2000). Projects included:
Message Character Compression [Project lead. Team of 3 programmers and 1 linguist. 3 months.]
Led team that designed and implemented toolkit capability for compressing text messages by removing extraneous characters. Interacted with HCI team members on development of graphical application exhibiting the capability.
Foreign Source Architecture and XML Integration: [Project lead. Team of 2-3 programmers. 8 months.]
Tasked with designing and implementing a framework for the acceptance of arbitrary source file formats as inputs for processing by the CLARIT toolkit. Added support for HTML and arbitrary XML (with supplied XSL) as CLARIT input sources.
Concept Clustering: [Project Lead. Team of 1-2 programmers and 1.5 linguists. 18 months in two phases.]
Worked on performance (both runtime- and quality-) improvements to CLARIT Concept Clustering, a proprietary capability for automatically discovering sets of related terms in a text database.


M. L. Horowitz, M. J. McInerny, S. M. Clamen. System for modifying a database using a transaction log. US Patent # 5,953,728, issued September 14, 1999.

Selected Publications

S. M. Clamen. Schema evolution and integration. Distributed and Parallel Databases: An International Journal, 2(1):101-126, January 1994.

E. Reingold, N. Dershowitz, and S. Clamen. Calendrical calculations II: Three historical calendars. Software - Practice and Experience, 23(4):383-404, Apr 1993. Also available as University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Tech Report no. UIUCDCS-R-92-1743.

J. Wing, M. Herlihy, S. Clamen, D. Detlefs, K. Kietske, R. Lerner, and S. Yuen Ling. The Avalon Language. In J. L. Eppinger, L. B. Mummert, and A. Z. Specctor, editors, Camelot and Avalon: A Distributed Transaction Facility, The Morgan Kauffman Series in Data Management Systems. Morgan Kauffman Publishers, Inc., San Mateo, California, February 1991.

S. M. Clamen, L. D. Leibengood, S. M. Nettles, and J. M. Wing. Reliable distributed computing with Avalon/Common Lisp. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Languages, New Orleans, LA, March 1990. Institute of Electrical Engineers Computer Society.


Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA
Fall 1986-Spring 1996
M.S. in Computer Science, December 1989    
Candidate for Ph.D. in Computer Science (ABD)    
1990-1996: Dissertation Work: Managing Type Evolution in the Presence of Persistent Instances (incomplete)
Basic Idea: One of the characteristics of a database system is that the persistent data is more valuable and longer-lived than the applications that access it. Over the lifetime of a database, its access patterns may change, necessitating a change to the database schema that preserves the actual data stored therein. This task is particularly troublesome in the new generation of database programming languages, where complex type specifications are supported.

Contemporary database programming systems do not adequately cope with type evolution and database consistency. In the context of an object-oriented database system, a general and extensible framework for the management of type evolution and its effects is described, with two notable features: 1) compatibility for old applications, and 2) the ability to install arbitrary changes upon the schema and database. Explicit programmer authority, when necessary, over the adaptation of existing instances to conform to the evolved schema allows for the installation of arbitrary evolutions, and more control over the efficiency of the compatibility support.
Advisor: Dr. James H. Morris
1986-1989: Member of the Avalon Project.
Advisor: Dr. Maurice Herlihy
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA
Fall 1982-Fall 1986
S.B. in Computer Science and Engineering, June 1986  

Additional Notes

Canadian Citizen. US Permanent Resident (Green Card). Native English speaker. Functional French with reading and writing skills.